Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellowship | FMF Fellowships, Obstetrics, Gynecology, Physiology

Fetal Medicine Fellowship 2020: Professor KyprosNicolaides started the Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF) to boost the health of pregnancies for women by fostering research and training in Fetal Medicine. FMFIndia plans to carry this mission ahead by examining the specific requirements of the Indian population.

Graduate, Post Graduate Students and Research Fellows can also find more Fellowship Articles to explore various fellowships across India to know the funding opportunities.

FMFIndia is a designated non-profit corporation that endeavors at improving knowledge, giving education and training, and encouraging research in the practical field of Fetal Medicine within India. The long term aim is to build a system where the advantages of Fetal Medicine are free to all pregnant women and an efficient and effective referral system survives in all regions.

FMFIndia demands to provide free training to clinicians who want to get knowledge in Fetal Medicine and the development of national guidelines.

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Fetal Medicine Foundation Online Courses

  1. Practicing the ultrasound scan machine efficiently.
  2. Understanding the normal and abnormal growth in a fetus.
  3. To be qualified to explain conclusions on a scan and conquer the right examination.
  4. To be qualified to handle common anomalies combining the various modalities of research for perinatal examination.
  5. To be qualified to liaise with the relevant departments as directed by the case and make efficient use of the current information and technology accessible.
  6. To be qualified to implement appropriate pre‐pregnancy and perinatal consultation to considered parents.
  7. To be qualified to critically evaluate available research and understand current papers to satisfy the demands of the patient and the people.
  8. To be qualified to combine oneself and serve as a team bestowing due respect to co-workers and participate completely to the team.
  9. To try publication of case records and another review/research reports.

Fetal Medicine Fellowship Eligibility Criteria

The following criteria need to be fulfilled:

  1. Postgraduate degree in Obstetrics and Gynecology
  2. A minimum of one year’s practice in Obstetric Ultrasound.
  3. The applicants will be chosen by interview to determine their fitness for the program.

They are required to have a sound awareness in the primary sciences in medicine and gynecology, namely:

  • Maternal Physiology
  • Fetal Physiology
  • Medical complications of pregnancy

Applications for FMF Clinical Fellowships

Candidates should complete the FMF Fellowship form and send it along with a reference from the head of the department in their clinic/hospital to [email protected].

It is essential that before you apply, you have finished all the internet-based theoretical subjects.

Syllabus for Fetal Medicine Fellowship (One Year)

The candidates will go through the subsequent modules during the one‐year program.

Module 1 (Basics of Fetal Medicine)

  • Relevant Physics of Ultrasound
  • Embryology and fetal development

Module 2 (Core Fetal Medicine Subjects)

  • Perinatal Genetics
  • Fetal abnormalities and its management
  • Prenatal Diagnostics and therapy
  • Perinatal Pathology

Module 3 (Clinical Obstetrics)

  • Multiple Pregnancies
  • Antenatal Complications
  • Perinatal Infectious Diseases

Module 4 (Personal Development and management skills)

  • Communication, team building and management
  • Critical Appraisal Skills

FMF Assessment

  • Logbook of cases observed and treated along with comments on competence by supervisor.
  • Clinical Scenario Evaluations.
  • Publications in national/international journals.
  • Project
  • Exit Exam – OSCE structure

External researchers will be selected from the fetal medicine practice

FMF Fee Structure

The candidates have to pay the examination fee of Rs.10,000/‐ to the center of examination.

Books to Refer for Fetal Medicine Fellowship

  1. Obstetric Medicine Textbook (Author name: Catherine Nelson Piercy)
  2. Medicine of the fetus & mother (Author name: Reece & Hobbins)
  3. Fetology (Author name: Bianchi, Cromblehome, Dʹalton)
  4. The unborn patient (Author name: Harrison, Evans, Adzick, Holzgreeve )
  5. The Developing Human: Clinically oriented Embryology(Author name: Moore)
  6. Practical Genetic Counseling (Author name: Peter Harper)
  7. Genetic Disorders & The Fetus: Diagnosis, Prevention & Treatment
  8. Diagnostic Ultrasound of Fetal Anomalies (Author name: David A Nyberg et al)
  9. Fetal Medicine Basic Science and Clinical practice (Author name: Charles H. Rodeck. Martin J whittle)
  10. A Practical Guide to Fetal Echocardiography (Author name: Alfred Abu Hamad)

FAQ’s on Fetal Medicine Fellowship

Question 1.
What is fetal medicine scanning?

This is a complete scanning of mothers at 20-24 weeks of pregnancy. During the scan, we test each part of the fetal body, define the location of the placenta, estimate the quantity of amniotic fluid, and estimate fetal growth. Specific attention is given to the brain, face, stomach, bowel, kidneys, spine, heart and limbs.

Question 2.
How long is maternal-fetal medicine fellowship?

Candidates must have achieved a residency in Obstetrics/Gynecology. Maternal-Fetal Medicine fellowships are for the entire three years.

Question 3.
How to become a fetal surgeon?

To become a fetal surgeon, candidates have to go through extensive surgery residency, Pedi Surg fellowship, then besides subspecialize in fetal surgery.

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