Population Explosion Essay | Essay on Population Explosion for Students and Children

Population Explosion Essay: Population Explosion is the sudden growth of the population over a short span of time. It is one of the major problems due to which the earth is losing its balance. It is increasing at an alarming rate in the country. India is the second country after China whose population rate is one thousand twenty-seven billion. If it is not controlled then India will beat China over the population growth by 2025. Also, many repercussions will happen like lesser resources, natural resources, poverty, unemployment, etc. As per the National Family Health Survey, the total fertility rate in India varies across different wealth quintiles.

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Long Essay on Population Explosion in English

As per the survey, the economically weaker section of the society in India has high population growth. The population can become the asset of the country. If the youth of the country has access to skill development, education, increased employment, etc. However, India has a high rate of unemployment in today’s world. Many Indian populations have no access to education, so illiterate. The Government of India has taken the burden of providing cooking fuel, electricity, drinking water, houses, and healthcare to all Indian populations. It has the aim of creating a $5 trillion economy.

The population growth in India cannot be sustained due to the limited geographical area. The development and availability of better medical science lessen the death rates and increases birth rates. This is the reason behind the population explosion. It has a major impact on the economic balance of the country. However, the government is not taking any initiative to control population explosion. It is a major issue for humans in today’s world. Read on to find more about essay on population explosion for class 8, class 9, class 10.

Reason for Population Explosion

There are many reasons for the Population Explosion. Let’s see the following factors and reasons for the Population Explosion.

  • Lack of women’s education and early age marriage are the main reasons. The high rate of illiteracy of women also causes population growth. As they are unaware of the birth control methods.
  • The life expectancy of people has increased to around 75 to 80 years than earlier. Developed medical facilities are increasing the life expectancy of people nowadays. Also, the quality and nutritious food, good living standards, hygienic, and sanitation facilities help in increasing life expectancy.
  • The unawareness of people and lack of family planning increases the birth rate rapidly. Moreover, the birth rate has increased more than the death rate.
  • Developed science and technology decrease the infant mortality rate. Mortality rate means the number of infants death below 6 months age.
  • Natural and man-made disasters are controlled by the advance early warning and evacuation processes that lead to a decrease in death rates.
  • Poverty is also a reason for the population explosion that leads to an increase in the birth rate. Several poor people think of their child as an asset who earns to support their family income at an early age.
  • Several families demand a male child that leads to an increase in the birth rate.
  • Universal marriage systems are also the cause of the population explosion. It means everyone is expected to get married in the country that leads to the growth of the population.

Impacts of Population Explosion

There are many impacts of population explosion as given below:

  • The Population Explosion impacts the natural resources and the social and economic development of the country.
  • It increases the unemployment problem. As the demand for jobs and employment opportunities also increases. To overcome this problem, many people are migrating to different countries for more job opportunities.
  • Overpopulation leads to the below poverty line. However, people of rural areas have no adequate knowledge of the overpopulation of the country. So, it leads to a high birth rate in the country.
  • Overpopulation in urban areas demands more civic services, health, transport, sanitation, education, and infrastructure. Fulfilling all these demands is not only challenging but also a burden in the inadequate economic resources.
  • Burning forests to bring more land for the cultivation of foods and make settlements for human living.
  • Burning of fossil fuels in vehicles, industries, and households form environmental pollution.
  • Misuse of water resources like wells, ponds, rivers, etc. causes water pollution.
  • Overpopulated countries need large quantities of consumer goods and products to meet their people’s needs.   It is not only challenging for them but also leads to poverty.
  • It impacts all the plans made for the development of the country as it goes haywire.
  • Inadequate resources lead to disputes and wars in countries.
  • It also impacts nature by bringing global warming, black holes, ultraviolet radiation, etc.
  • It impacts the standard of living of humans.

Population Explosion Prevention – How To Prevent Population Explosion

There are many ways to prevent the Population Explosion.

  • Several problems of earth can be controlled by controlling population growth.
  • It can decrease many problems like poverty, illiteracy, starvation, and unemployment.
  • The government can take initiatives to make awareness among people about the negative consequences of population growth.
  • Some campaigns should be implemented to aware people of birth control and family planning.
  • China’s one-child policy decreases the population growth.
  • India has also undertaken some measures to decrease the population.
  • Encouraging late marriages among people can reduce the birth rate, the population as well.
  • The reduction of the infant mortality rate can decrease the birth rate.
  • Women empowerment through skill development, education, financial inclusion, etc. So that they will become independent and free from the social constraints.
  • The government policies should focus on the promotion of girl children to prevent this problem. More like Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao scheme.
  • The availability of cheap and easy contraceptive tools to avoid unwanted pregnancies.
  • Strict legal rules should be implemented like having only two children, some punishment to people for more children, and rewarding people who adopt family planning.
  • Abolish gender discrimination to prevent overpopulation.

Conclusion On Population Explosion Essay

Population Explosion is the biggest problem which affects the society, the economy of the country and human life. The government must prioritize this issue as the growth rate varies due to the cultural, social, and economic diversity of the nation. Some of the government and non-government efforts lead to awareness among people about the control of the population. Even in many places, it has achieved great success. We all should join our hands together to fight against this issue and make our earth a better place to live. We soonly update population explosion in English, Urdu, Hindi, kanada.

FAQ’s on Population Explosion Essay

Question 1.
What is the Population Explosion?

The Population Explosion is the sudden growth of population over a short span of time.

Question 2.
What are the reasons for the population explosion?

The development and availability of better medical science lessen the death rates and increases birth rates. This is the reason behind the population explosion. Lack of education, early age marriage, women education, and family planning. Male child expectation, universal marriage, infant mortality rate, and poverty.

Question 3.
How population explosion impacts employment?

Population explosion increases the unemployment problem. As the demand for jobs and employment opportunities also increases. To overcome this problem, many people are migrating to different countries for more job opportunities.

Question 4.
How population explosion impacts natural resources?

Population explosion impacts natural resources. Like burning forests to bring more land for cultivation of foods and make settlements for human living. Burning of fossil fuels in vehicles, industries, and households form environmental pollution. Misuse of water resources like wells, ponds, rivers, etc. causes water pollution. It also impacts nature by bringing global warming, black holes, ultraviolet radiation, etc.

Question 5.
How population explosion impacts urban areas?

Overpopulation in urban areas demands more civic services, health, transport, sanitation, education, and infrastructure. Fulfilling all these demands is not only challenging but also a burden in the inadequate economic resources.

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