Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 3 Scene 2

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 3 Scene 2

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 3 Scene 2 Questions and Answers, Passage Based Questions.

Merchant of Venice Act 3 Scene 2 Workbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
‘The world is still deceived with ornament’. (Lines : 74)
Who is the speaker ? What is the occasion ? What do these words indicate ?
Bassanio is the speaker. He speaks these lines as he broods over the inscription on the gold casket. These words reveal Bassanio’s wisdom and his right observation.

Question 2.
‘But when this ring
Parts from this finger, then parts life from hence’. (Lines : 183-184)
Which ring is referred to by Bassanio ? What promise does he make ? Does he ever break it ?
Bassanio refers to the ring he receives from Portia. He promises never to part with it. Yes, he breaks his promise later by giving it to the lawyer (Portia in disguise) as reward for saving his friend’s life.

Question 3.
‘Since you are dear bought, I will love you dear’. (Line : 313)
On what occasion does Portia speak this line ? What does she mean to say ?
Portia speaks this line while preparing herself to part from Bassanio who, she feels, must leave for Venice to rescue his friend Antonio. She means to say that she will love him all the more for all the complications she has to encounter to get him as her life partner.

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 3 Scene 2 Passage Based Questions

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow :

What, no more ?
Pay him six thousand, and deface the bond;
Double six thousand, and then treble that,
Before a friend of this description
Shall lose a hair through Bassanio’s fault.
First go with me to church and call me wife,
And then away to Venice to your friend;
For never shall you lie by Portia’s side
With an unquiet soul. You shall have gold
To pay the petty debt twenty times over :
When it is paid, bring your true friend along.
My maid Nerissa and myself meantime
Will live as maids and widow. Come, away !
For you shall hence upon your wedding-day :

(i) What bad news reaches Belmont ?
Answer: The bad news that reaches Belmont is that Antonio has gone bankrupt and has no money to repay the Jew. Even if he had the money, Shylock would not take it as the loan had not been paid back on the fixed date. Shylock insists on the condition of the pound of flesh in the bond because the law is on his side.

(ii) What has Jessica said about his father’s resolution ?
Answer: Jessica has said that she heard his father Shylock swear to his countrymen that he would rather have Antonio’s flesh than twenty times the value of the sum which Antonio owes him.

(iii) What moves the heart of Portia ?
Answer: Bassanio’s praise of Antonio moves the heart of Portia. Bassanio describes Antonio as the most kind, best-intentioned, the most honourable, close friend of his. Portia feels that such a friend of Bassanio should not lose a single hair through any fault of his (Bassanio’s).

(iv) What does Portia’s offer tell us of her character ?
Answer: Portia is ready to pay twenty times the money Antonio owes to Shylock to deface the bond. The way she gets ready to do everything within her means and control to save Antonio speaks of her generosity and kindness.

(v) What does Portia ask Bassanio to do ?
Answer: Portia asks Bassanio to finish all his business immediately and go to Venice with whatever amount of money he needs to save his dear friend.

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow :

Portia :
‘ Now he goes,
With no less presence, but with much more love,
Than young Alcides, when he did redeem
The virgin tribute paid by howling Troy
To the sea-monster: I stand for sacrifice
The rest aloof are the Dardanian wives,
With bleared visages, come forth to view
The issue of the exploit. Go, Hercules!
Live thou, I live: with much, much more dismay
I view the fight than thou that makest the fray,

(i) When does Portia speak these lines ? In which mood is she ?
Answer: Portia speaks these lines when Bassanio goes to make his choice of the casket. She is in an excited and tense mood. She is a bit afraid of the outcome. She has a mix of feelings at this time.

(ii) How does she view Bassanio ? Is she right in what she says ? How ?
Answer: She views Bassanio as Hercules (Alcides) who has gone forward to rescue a young maiden from a sea-monster. She is right in making the comparison. As she loves Bassanio, she is doomed if he fails.

(iii) ‘Live thou, I live’. What does this line tell us of Portia ?
Answer: Portia says that if Bassanio succeeds, he will confer a happy life on her. If he fails, she will virtually die. The line reveals Portia’s senstivity as a lover.

(iv) How does Bassanio succeed in marrying Portia later ?
Answer: Bassanio chooses the lead casket because he accepts the challenge contained in the inscription on the casket. He rejects the gold casket as he knows that appearances are often deceptive. He rejects the silver casket as silver is only a metal for business transactions. He hazards all he has, and thus, succeeds in making the right choice which enables him to wed Portia.

(v) Mention any four qualities of Portia.
Answer: Portia is witty and clever. Her speeches reveal her wit and sense of humour. She is intelligent. The way she turns the tables on Shylock in the trial scene reveals her intelligence. She is a generous, sincere and helpful. She goes all out to rescue a friend of her husband.

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow :

Bassanio :
How many cowards, whose hearts are all as false
As stairs of sand, wear yet upon their chins
The beards of Hercules and frowning Mars;
Who, inward search’d, have livers white as milk;
And these assume but valour’s excrement
To render them redoubted!

(i) What is the occasion of Bassanio’s speech ? What is he doing at the moment ?
Answer: Bassanio is about to make his choice of the casket. He is brooding over the inscription on each of the caskets carefully so that he may get some clue to this choice.

(ii) What has Bassanio to say about the dishonest and pretentious persons ? What has prompted him to say these words ?
Answer: Bassanio says that many dishonest persons who are timid in reality put on the looks of the brave with bearded faces and stern looks. He has been prompted to say these words on reading the inscription on the gold casket.

(iii) What does he say of ‘beautified’ persons later ?
Answer: According to him, persons who use most cosmetics often become ‘light’ (in character) in proportion to the weight of the ‘aids’ they use. They become frivolous and irresponsibly gay.

(iv) Why does he reject gold and silver casket ?
Answer: He rejects the gold casket because the outward glitter hides the reality. He rejects the silver casket because silver is the metal of commercial coinage, handed by the mass of men.

(v) What makes him favour lead casket and win Portia ? What does it reflect on his character ?
Answer: The dull look of lead casket appeals to him. He accepts the challenge thrown by the lead. He is prepared to ‘hazard’ all that he has to win Portia. It tells us that he is bold, adventurous and self-sacrificing.

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow :

Bassanio :
Therefore, thou gaudy gold,
Hard food for Midas, I will none of thee;
Nor none of thee, thou pale and common drudge
‘Tween man and man : but thou, thou meagre lead,
Which rather threatenest than dost promise aught,
Thy paleness moves me more than eloquence;
And here choose I; joy be the consequence !

(i) What is the occasion of Bassanio’s speech ? Where is he at the moment ?
Answer: Bassanio utters these words as he is going to make his choice of the casket. He is in a room where the three caskets of gold, silver and lead are placed. He stands before the gold casket at the moment.

(ii) What are his reasons for rejecting the gold and silver caskets ?
Answer: He rejects the gold casket because the outward glitter is always deceiving. He rejects the silver casket because silver is the metal used in business transactions by the mass of men.

(iii) What makes him opt for the lead casket ? How does he feel on finding Portia’s picture in {the lead casket ?
Answer: The dull look of lead casket is challenging. The inscription on it warns the person choosing it to be ready to ‘hazard’ all. Bassanio accepts the challenge and is ready to ‘hazard’ all he has. Thus, he chooses the lead casket. He feels pleasantly surprised on finding Portia’s picture in the lead casket.

(iv) How does Portia present herself to Bassanio later in the scene ?
Answer: Portia completely submits herself to Bassanio in utter humility later. She asks him to accept her as she is, an untaught and inexperienced girl.

(v) Who decide to get married after Bassanio succeeds in winning Portia ?
Answer: Gratiano and Nerissa decide to get married after Bassanio succeeds in winning Portia. Gratiano has been courting Nerissa all along when Bassanio is busy in making his mind to choose his lucky casket.

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow :

Portia :
You see me, Lord Bassanio, where I stand,
Such as I am: though for myself alone
I would not be ambitious in my wish,
To wish myself much better; yet, for you
I would be trebled twenty times myself;
A thousand times more fair, ten thousand times more rich;
That only to stand high in your account,
I might in virtue, beauties, livings, friends,
Exceed account; but the full sum of me
Is sum of something, which, to term in gross,
Is an unlesson’d girl, unschool’d, unpractised;
Happy in this, she is not yet so old But she may learn.

(i) When does Portia speak these lines to Bassanio ? In which mood is she ?
Answer: Portia speaks these lines to Bassanio after he has made the choice of the right casket.
She is in a happy and excited mood. She submits herself completely to her future husband.

(ii) How does Portia describe herself ? What do you learn about her character ?
Answer: Being humble, Portia describes herself as an untaught and inexperienced girl. She wishes to be better to win his esteem. We feel that she is very humble and polite. She deliberately underestimates her worth.

(iii) What do you think is the most sterling quality of her character ?
Answer: The most sterling quality of Portia’s character is her generosity. She is rich and beautiful, yet she is free from arrogance and petty-mindedness. She does everything possible to save Antonio. No ordinary person would be as generous towards a stranger as she is.

(iv) Who enter later in the scene ?
Answer: Lorenzo, Jessica and Salarino enter later. Bassanio welcomes them with Portia’s permission. Lorenzo and Jessica have come on the advice of Salarino who has brought Antonio’s letter for Bassanio.

(v) What news saddens Bassanio on this happy occasion ? What does Portia ask him to do ?
Answer: Bassanio becomes sad immediately on reading the news that Antonio has forfeited the bond and is in great trouble as Shylock insists on the penalty—the pound of flesh. Portia at once asks Bassanio to go to Venice with as much money and gold as he needs to rescue his dear friend.

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow :

Jessica :
When I was with him I have heard him swear
To Tubal and to Chus, his countrymen,
That he would rather have Antonio’s flesh
Than twenty times the value of the sum
That he did owe him: and I know, my lord,
If law, authority and power deny not,
It will go hard with poor Antonio.
Portia :
Is it your dear friend that is thus in trouble?
Bassanio :
The dearest friend to me, the kindest man,
The best-condition1d and unwearied spirit
In doing courtesies, and one in whom
The ancient Roman honour more appears
Than any that draws breath in Italy.

(i) What has happened early in the scene ? Who is Jessica ? What is she talking about ?
Answer: The news has reached Belmont of Antonio’s forfeiting the bond. Jessica is Shylock’s daughter. She says that she has heard her father swear to his fellow Jews that he would have Antonio’s flesh rather than twenty times the amount of the loan.

(ii) How does Portia react ? What does it tell us of her character ?
Answer: Portia reacts sympathetically at once. It reveals that she is a very tender, sympathetic, generous and helpful person. She is ready to do everything for her husbands’s friend.

(iii) Who is ‘the dearest friend, the kindest man’ referred to by Bassanio ? What has happened to him ?
Answer: Antonio is ‘the dearest friend, the kindest man’. He has forfeited the bond and is in danger of losing his life if Shylock insists on cutting a pound of flesh from his body.

(iv) What does Portia learn ? What does she ask Bassanio to do ?
Answer: Portia learns that Antonio, the dearest friend of her husband is a noble person. She asks Bassanio to go to Venice and pay him three times and even more than amount of the loan due to save Antonio.

(v) What does Bassanio decide to do to help his friend in trouble ?
Answer: When Portia allows Bassanio to go to Venice, Bassanio decides not to lose any time and reach Venice to help Antonio.

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow :

Portia :
0 love, dispatch all business, and be gone ! Bassanio :
Since I have your good leave to go away,
1 will make haste : but, till I come again,
No bed shall e’er be guilty of my stay,
No rest be interposer ‘twixt us twain’.

(i) What makes Portia so concerned ? What does she want ?
Answer: Antonio’s words of love and affection in his letter to Bassanio make Portia feel concerned about the man in deep trouble. She wants Bassanio to leave for Venice at once.

(ii) Why is Bassanio in a hurry ? What does he assure Portia ?
Answer: Bassanio is in a hurry because his dearest friend Antonio is in great trouble. He assures Portia that he will lose no time in despatching his business and will be back soon.

(iii) Is Bassanio able to save Antonio ? Why / Why not ?
Answer: Bassanio fails to save Antonio with the offer of money. Shylock refuses to accept any amount as he wants only Antonio’s flesh and nothing else.

(iv) Portia 1ms told Bassanio – ‘My maid Nerissa and myself meantime / Will live as maids and widows’. What is the truth ? Answer: What Portia has told Bassanio is not true. She has in mind another plan. With the help of her lawyer cousin she plans to defend Antonio as a lawyer in male disguise.

(v) What does Portia do after Bassanio has gone ?
Answer: Portia sends a messenger to his cousin, a renowned lawyer, for advice and necessary articles of clothing. She takes Nerissa along and tells her on the way what she has in mind.

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