The Earth Needs You Poem Summary

Amidst the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to forget the profound connection we share with our planet. “The Earth Needs You,” a poignant and thought-provoking poem, serves as a gentle yet urgent reminder of our responsibility towards the environment. In a world where the echoes of nature often go unheard, this poetic masterpiece calls upon each of us to be the stewards of change, to embrace sustainability, and to safeguard the Earth for generations to come. Read More Class 8th English Summaries.

The Earth Needs You Poem Summary

The Earth Needs You Summary in English

The single-use plastic is a demon. Its increasing use can gulp down our earth any time. It may be cheap. But it does not decay easily. It travels from place to place and flows down to the seas, oceans and rivers. If gets tangled in trees. Thus marine life and the life on earth gets choked. It we want to save our Earth, we must lower the use of single-use plastic, otherwise, we will be heading toward a dark future.
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