Raman Charpak Fellowship Program 2020 for Indian and French Ph.D Students

Raman Charpak Fellowship

Raman Charpak Fellowship: Raman Charpak Fellowship scheme is in recognition of two Nobel Laureates in Physics, Prof C.V. Raman, Indian Nobel Laureate (1930) and Prof Georges Charpak, French Nobel Laureate (1992). The Fellowship originated when the President of France had a state visit to India in February 2013. The purpose is to promote the interchange of doctoral students between the two nations, to expand the scope and extent of future actions in Science, Technology and Innovation.

Graduate, Post Graduate Students and Research Fellows can also find more Fellowship Articles to explore various fellowships across India to know the funding opportunities.

This programme executed by the Indo French Centre for Advancement of Advanced Research (IFCPAR/ CEFIPRA) points at developing the doctoral skills of Indian and French students by giving them an opportunity to lead out part of their investigation work in a University / Research & Development Institute based in France or India respectively. This plan is now also permitted to French Master Students, who want to spend some time in India as per their curriculum. It strives at improving the Master’s skills of French students by granting them an opportunity to bring out internship job in a University / Research Institute based in India.

Indian and French PhD research students and Masters Students which are only from France and from year 2016 are eligible for this fellowship.
The duration of this fellowship is two to six months.

Raman Charpak Fellowship Important Dates

Events Indian and French PhD Students French Masters’ Students
Launching April/May April
End of Deadline June/July October
Declaration of Result End- September (Tentative) Mid-December (Tentative)
Starting date of fellowship Mid-October onwards Mid-January (following year) onwards

Courses offered by Raman Charpak Fellowship

  • Atmospheric and Earth Sciences
  • Chemical Sciences
  • Engineering Sciences
  • Life and Medical Sciences
  • Biological Sciences
  • Material Sciences
  • Mathematical and Computational Sciences
  • Physical Sciences
  • Environmental Sciences

Eligibility Criteria

  • Students applying from India should be an Indian citizen and residing in India.
  • He/she must have registered for a Ph.D. in a recognized university or research institution in India.
  • Applicants from France must be residing in France and have registered for a Ph.D. programme in a research institution or in a recognized university in France.
  • The applicants should hold a Master’s degree in science, technology or medicine from a recognized University/Institute.
  • The maximum age of the applicant should be 30 years as of April First Week 2020.
  • Students once supported by CEFIPRA, also in the framework of CEFIPRA projects, and students who have a permanent position in institutions/universities are not eligible.
  • The applicant should have prior consent to their Institute / University to apply for a foreign fellowship program.

Raman Charpak Fellowship Benefits

For Indian Fellow:

  • The selected applicants from India will get fellowship Support of 1500 Euros monthly for daily expenses, local travel, convenience charges plus Social Security costs

For French Fellow:

  • The selected applicants of France will get fellowship allowance of Rs. 40,000 monthly for daily charges, local travel, etc. plus settlement charges not exceeding Rs. 45,000 per month.
  • The selected applicants will be given with To and Fro flight tickets in economy class between India and France
    Insurance coverage (travel and health) wherever is needed.
  • Any regulatory costs for Visa and Registration will be provided to the selected applicants.
  • A Fellow could be provided with additional support for engaging in a Seminar/Workshop during their course of the fellowship and linger in their host nations.(up to Euro 500 for Indian Fellows and equal support in Indian Rupees for French Fellows)
  • During the fellowship time of selected applicants, no allowance will be given to their family members.
  • Raman Charpak Fellowship Application
  • The application process is conducted online.
  • Apply Online through Official Website (www.cefipra.org)
  • Provide the necessary details wherever required.

Documents Required

  • Candidates have to submit five pages long items description on Research Plan in the designated format with giving the title and research work plan summary of the advantages that the applicant will gain from their stay in a recommended research institute or university in France or India.
  • A two-page Curriculum Vitae in the designated format with a recent photograph, which should outline the accomplishment and research interests.

Format of candidates CV should be:

  • A letter of endorsement from the PhD supervisor in their local lab
  • A letter of approval and agreement from the intended host administrator in the fellowship lab
    PhD summary
  • Research experience report
  • No Objection Certificate (NOC) from Head of the Institution
  • Scanned copy of Master degree certificate and a PhD enrollment letter
  • Scanned copy of original passport (front and back)
  • New passport size photograph

Contact Details

Dr. Purnima Rupal Director,
Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research
(Centre Franco-Indien pour la Promotion de la Recherche Avancée-CEFIPRA)
Core 5B, Ground Floor, India Habitat Centre Lodhi Road,
New Delhi -110 003 (India)
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone Number : +91 11 24682251, +91 11 24682252

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1.
What is Raman Chapak Fellowship?

Raman Chapak Fellowship points at developing the doctoral skills of Indian and French students by giving them an opportunity to lead out part of their investigation work in a University / Research & Development Institute based in France or India respectively.

Question 2.
What is the duration of Raman Chapak Fellowship?
The duration of this fellowship is two to six months.

Question 3.
Who are eligible for Raman Chapak Fellowship?

  • Candidate from India should have Indian citizenship
  • Candidate from France should have citizenship of France
  • Candidate should have registered for a PhD in a recognized university or research institution in the particular country
  • Age limit: 30 years

Question 4.
How to apply?

Apply online at www.cefipra.org through an online submission system