No Men are Foreign Poem Summary

Have you ever pondered the intricate threads that connect all of humanity, transcending borders and differences? In the beautifully composed poem “No Men are Foreign,” the profound essence of unity and shared existence is vividly captured. As we delve into this poem’s summary, we’ll unravel the message it carries, reminding us of the universal bond that binds us all. Read More Class 9th English Summaries.

No Men are Foreign Poem Summary

No Men are Foreign Introduction:

This poem contains a very noble idea. It advocates the unity of mankind. No men are strange, and no countries are foreign. All men live on the same earth and breathe the same air. If we hate others, it is like hating ourselves because there is no difference between us and others. Love is the best weapon to win others. By taking up arms against one another, we defile the human earth itself. So we should always remember that no men are foreign and no countries are strange.

No Men are Foreign Summary in English

This is an anti-war poem that teaches the basic oneness of mankind and folly of going to war. The poet says that no men are strange and no countries are foreign. Under the outward superficial differences, the inner essence is everywhere the same. Under all kinds of different dresses, all men have the same kind of body. The bodies of all men breathe in the same way as our body does. All men move on the same earth. And after death, all men lie under the same earth. Everywhere it is the same sun, air and water that people enjoy. Everywhere people are fed on the crops that are grown during times of peace. And everywhere they have to starve when there is a long winter of war.

Everywhere men have the same kind of hands. They do the same kind of labour. They have the same kind of eyes that wake and sleep. They have the same kind of strength that can be won by love. Everywhere, the same kind of life is lived which can be understood and recognized easily.

Summary of No Men are Foreign Poem

Therefore, the poet says that we shouldn’t heed those who tell us to hate others. We should remember that by hating others, it is only ourselves that we rob, deceive and criticize. By taking up arms against others, we only defile this earth that belongs to all of us. The fire and destruction of war pollutes the air that we all breathe. So, the poet asks us to remember that no men are foreign and no countries are strange.
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