The moon, a luminous celestial object that graces our night skies, has captivated humanity for centuries. Its enigmatic beauty and mystical allure have inspired poets, scientists, and dreamers alike. In this summary, we embark on a captivating journey through history, science, and wonder as we delve into the story of “The Discovery of the Moon.” Read More Class 9th English Summaries.
The Discovery of Moon Summary
The Discovery of Moon Introduction:
This chapter tells about the various attempts that have been made to reach the moon and gain knowledge about it. The USA and the USSR were the two countries that made these attempts. The first men to land on the moon were two Americans Armstrong and Edwin. They landed there on July 20, 1969. The Russians didn’t send any man. They sent a robot in September 1970. A lot of information has been gathered about the moon. This information has shattered many traditional beliefs about the moon. It is now known that the moon is a dead world. It has no air, water or atmosphere. Yet poets and lovers continue to compare the faces of their beloveds with the beauty of the moon.
The Discovery of Moon Summary in English
Two American astronauts, Armstrong and Edwin, landed on the moon on July 20, 1969. They were the first men to set foot on the moon. They collected samples of the lunar soil. Then they came back with their spacecraft Apollo-11. They left on the moon some machines and instruments. These machines and instruments kept sending their observations about the moon. This great event opened new avenues in the field of space exploration.
After the successful expedition of Apollo-11, a number of other space flights were made to the moon. Thus very useful and wonderful information about the moon was collected. This new information removed all kinds of wrong beliefs about the moon. The USA and the USSR were two countries that made programmes for the exploration of the moon. The USA sent its astronauts. The USSR sent its spaceships. The Soviet Union thought it more appropriate to carry on exploration with the help of scientific instruments only. In September 1970, the Soviet scientists sent a spacecraft called Luna-16. It carried a robot that was placed on the surface of the moon. It was found that a robot was as good as a man to carry out experiments on the moon’s surface.
Summary of The Discovery of Moon
Moreover, it was less expensive. Above all, human life was not endangered. Researches on the moon have shown that the moon is an absolutely desolate place. There is no atmosphere. There is no air or water. So it is not fit for man’s living. Of course, it has some useful metals like aluminium, titanium and iron. But men has not been tempted to use them so far. Some scientists feel that moon can be made suitable for man’s living by separating oxygen from the elements which contain oxygen.
Space flights have been made to other planets also. But moon is the only heavenly body where man has landed. Since the moon has been found to be a dead world, no programmes have been made for its further exploration. Today we know all the important facts about the moon. It is the only natural satellite of the earth. It is about one-fourth of the earth in its diameter. Its distance from the earth is 384,405 km. It orbits the earth once a month. It always keeps the same face turned towards the earth. The moon is the same age as the earth about 4600 million years. It is not a self-luminous body. It is lighted by the sun only. In the glare of the sun, it becomes as hot as 110°C. In the shadows it is as cold as -100°C.
Thus there are no attractive facts about the moon. It is a dead, dry and desolate world. Yet poets and lovers continue to compare the faces of their beloveds with the beauty of the moon.
What the Moon Saw Summary