A birthday is an annual celebration marking the day a person was born. It is a joyous occasion when friends, family members, and loved ones come together to honor and appreciate the individual. It is a time for reflection, gratitude, and often, setting new goals for the coming year. Read More Class 11 Hindi Summaries.
जन्मदिन Summary In Hindi
“जन्मदिन” पाठ का सारांश
‘जन्मदिन’ नामक लघुकथा कमलेश भारतीय द्वारा लिखित है। इसमें भारतीय समाज में व्याप्त लड़के और लड़कियों के भेदभाव को दर्शाया गया। मन्नू अपनी बड़ी माँ के पास आती है तो वह अपनी इच्छा व्यक्त करती है कि उसका जन्मदिन मनाया जाए। उसके घर में उसका जन्मदिन नहीं मनाया जाता है। उसके भाई का जन्मदिन धूमधाम से मनाया जाता है। वह अपनी बड़ी माँ से जन्मदिन पर केक, मोमबत्ती और गिफ्ट लाने तथा मेहमान बुलाने के लिए कहती है। बड़ी माँ उसे वायदा करती है कि अब से हर साल उसका जन्मदिन धूम-धाम से मनाया जाएगा यह सुनकर मन्नू खुश हो जाती है।
Nursing As A Profession Essay 250 Words: Nursing, as a profession, holds a special place in healthcare assiduity. It involves minding for individualities of all periods, backgrounds, and health conditions, making it an essential and noble profession. This essay explores the significance of nursing as a profession, pressing its pivotal part in healthcare, the rates needed to become a successful nanny, and the challenges faced in this satisfying career.
Nursing As A Profession Essay 250 Words
In this blog Nursing As A Profession Essay 250 Words, we include About Nursing As A Profession Essay 250 Words, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also cover Nursing As A Profession Essay 250 Words for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class and also for kids, children, and students. You can read more Essay Writing in 10 lines about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… Nursing As A Profession Essay 250 Words is also available in different languages. In this, Nursing As A Profession Essay 250 Words, the following features are explained in the given manner.
Nursing plays a vital part in healthcare, serving as a ground between croakers and cases. nursers are the frontline caregivers, responsible for administering specifics, covering cases’ conditions, and furnishing emotional support to cases and their families. They unite with croakers , therapists, and other healthcare professionals to insure the stylish possible patient issues.
The Journey To Getting A Nanny
getting a nanny requires fidelity, compassion, and the right education. Aspiring nursers must complete a formal education program, which can be a parchment, associate’s degree, or bachelorette’s degree in nursing. Following education, they must pass the public licensing examination to come a registered nanny ( RN). Advanced practice nursers pursue fresh education and instruments to specialize in areas similar as nanny interpreters, nanny midwives, and nanny anesthetists.
Rates Of A Successful Nanny
Successful nursers retain a unique mix of rates that enable them to exceed in their profession. Compassion lies at the heart of nursing, as it drives nursers to watch for cases with empathy and understanding. also, critical thinking, effective communication, and rigidity are essential traits, enabling nursers to make quick opinions and handle the dynamic healthcare terrain.
Challenges Faced By Nursers
Despite the prices of nursing, this profession also presents several challenges. nursers frequently work long hours, including weekends and leaves, to give round the- timepiece care. The emotional risk of witnessing pain and suffering can lead to collapse and compassion fatigue. likewise, nursers may encounter delicate cases or face ethical dilemmas that demand ethical decision- timber.
The Impact Of nursers In Public Health
Beyond individual case care, nursers play a significant part in public health enterprise. They promote preventative care, conduct health wireworks, and educate communities about healthy life choices. nursers laboriously share in vaccination juggernauts, complaint control, and health mindfulness programs, contributing to a healthier society.
The Future Of Nursing
The future of nursing is promising and dynamic. With healthcare constantly evolving, nursers will continue to acclimatize and introduce. Advanced technology, similar as robotics and artificial intelligence, will prop nursers in patient care and executive tasks, enhancing overall effectiveness. The demand for nursers is anticipated to grow, offering different openings for specialization and career advancement.
Nursing As A Profession Essay 250 Words Conclusion
Nursing is really a noble profession that impacts lives in profound ways. It demands a unique combination of chops, compassion, and adaptability. As the healthcare assiduity progresses, nursers will remain at the van, furnishing care, comfort, and hope to those in need. Embracing technology, staying current with medical advancements, and championing for the well- being of cases will drive the future of nursing.
Nursing As A Profession Essay 250 Words (FAQs)
Question 1.
Is nursing a financially satisfying career?
Answer: Nursing can be financially satisfying, especially as nursers gain experience and specialize in certain fields. still, the primary provocation for utmost nursers is the occasion to make a difference in people’s lives.
Question 2.
What are the implicit career paths in nursing?
Nursing offers colorful career paths, including clinical practice, tutoring, exploration, and administration. nursers can also specialize in areas similar as pediatrics, elders, oncology, and more.
Question 3.
How can nursers manage with the emotional challenges of their profession?
Answer: Nursers can manage with emotional challenges by seeking support from associates, engaging in tone- care conditioning, and penetrating comforting services. Balancing work and particular life is pivotal to avoid collapse.
Question 4.
How has technology told nursing practices?
Answer: Technology has significantly impacted nursing practices by perfecting patient care, streamlining executive tasks, and enabling remote case monitoring. nursers now have access to advanced medical outfit and digital health records, enhancing overall effectiveness.
Question 5.
What makes nursing a satisfying career choice?
Answer: Nursing offers a sense of fulfillment that comes from helping others during vulnerable times. nursers make strong connections with cases and their families, making a positive impact on their lives.
“Nurses” work in various healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, schools, and community health centers. They play a crucial role in promoting health, preventing illness, and providing compassionate care to individuals of all ages. Read More Class 10 Hindi Summaries.
नर्स Summary In Hindi
नर्स लेखिका परिचय
जीवन-परिचय-श्रीमती कला प्रकाश सिंधी की सुप्रसिद्ध लेखिका हैं। उन्होंने हिंदी-साहित्य के लेखन में भी अपनी कुशलता को अच्छी तरह से प्रकट किया है। उनका जन्म 2 जनवरी, सन् 1934 ई० में कराची (पाकिस्तान) में हुआ था। उन्होंने एम० ए० तक की शिक्षा प्राप्त करने के पश्चात् महाराष्ट्र के उल्हास नगर के महाविद्यालय में प्राध्यापिका का कार्य किया। बाद में दुबई के विद्यालय में प्रधानाचार्या का कार्यभार सफलतापूर्वक निभाया। सन् 1953 ई० से अब तक इन्होंने सिंधी-साहित्य को संपन्नता प्रदान करने में सफलता प्राप्त की है। इनकी पहली कहानी ‘दोही बेदोही’ मुंबई की एक पत्रिका ‘नई दुनिया’ में छपी थी। .
श्रीमती कला प्रकाश के रचित साहित्य है-
उपन्यास-‘हिक दिल हजार अरमान’, ‘शीशे जो दिल’, ‘हिक सपनों सुखन जी’, ‘हयाली होतन री’, ‘वक्त विथियू बिछोटिषु’, ‘आरसी अ-आड़ो’, ‘प्यार’, ‘पखन जी प्रीत’, ‘समुद्र-ए-किनारे’, ‘औखा पंथ प्यार जा’।
कहानी संग्रह- ’मुर्क ए ममता’, ‘वारन में गुल’, ‘इंतजार’। .
काव्य संग्रह- ‘ममता जूं लहरूं (1963)’, ममता जूं लहरू (2006)।
यात्रा वृत्तांत- ’जे-हिअन्रे हुटन’।
साहित्यिक विशेषताएं-श्रीमती कला प्रकाश के लेखन की मुख्य दिलचस्पी महिलाओं से संबंधित विभिन्न विषयों में है। स्वयं नारी होने के कारण इन्हें नारी-संबंधी विषयों को प्रस्तुत करने में अपेक्षाकृत अधिक सफलता प्राप्त हुई है। इन्हें ‘आरसी-अ-आडो’ उपन्यास पर साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार प्रदान किया था। इनकी पुस्तक ‘ममता तू लहरूं’ को अखिल भारतीय सिंधी अकादमी ने ‘बेस्ट बुक ऑफ दा ईयर’ घोषित किया था। इनके पति भी लेखक हैं और इन दोनों पति-पत्नी को साहित्य अकादमी अवार्ड मिल चुका है।
कला प्रकाश का सारा साहित्य भावात्मक है। इनकी रचनाओं में जहाँ पाठक आत्म-विभोर होता है वहीं दूसरी ओर पाठकों का मनोरंजन भी होता है। उनके मन में समसामयिक समस्याओं के प्रति भावनाएँ भी उद्वेलित होती हैं। इन्होंने समाज के प्रत्येक वर्ग में व्याप्त विषमताओं को उजागर किया है। इन्होंने समाज में जागरूकता लाने का भी सफल प्रयास किया है। इनके साहित्य में भावात्मकता की प्रधानता है।
नर्स कहानी का सार
कला प्रकाश द्वारा रचित ‘नर्स’ एक श्रेष्ठ कहानी है। यह कहानी एक नर्स के सेवाभाव और ममत्व को रोगी के हितों में प्रस्तुत करती है। इसमें बाल मनोविज्ञान की तरफ भी संकेत किया गया है।।
महेश छः साल का छोटा बच्चा था। उसका आप्रेशन हुआ था इसलिए वह अस्पताल में भर्ती था। अस्पताल में मरीज से मिलने का समय छ: बजे तक का था। लेकिन महेश की माँ सरस्वती समय पूरा हो जाने पर भी महेश की जिद्द के कारण वहाँ रुकी हुई थी। वह चाहकर भी जा नहीं पा रही थी। महेश अपनी माँ को अपने पास रोकना चाहता था। सरस्वती वार्ड में इधर-उधर देखने लगी। सभी बच्चे महेश को ताक रहे थे। सरस्वती को याद आया कि कुछ देर पहले नौ नंबर बैड वाले ने उसे बताया था कि ऑप्रेशन के बाद महेश माँ-माँ करके रो रहा था।
तब सरस्वती उस नौ नंबर बैड वाले बालक को महेश पास छोड़ कर जल्दी से अस्पताल के गेट के पास आ गई। उसकी आँखों से आँसू छलछला रहे थे। वार्ड में नौ नंबर वाला बच्चा महेश को समझा रहा था किंतु महेश कुछ सुनने को तैयार नहीं था। वह तो बस माँ की रट लगाए हुए था। कुछ देर बाद वह बच्चा वापस अपने बैड पर चला गया। थोड़ी देर बाद चारों ओर खामोशी छा गई। इस खामोशी में भी महेश की मम्मी-मम्मी की हिचकी गूंज रही थी। सात बजे मरीडा और मांजरेकर नाम की दो नर्से वार्ड में आईं। वे दोनों आपस में बातें कर रही थीं।
मरीजों को दवाई खिला रही थीं। उनका बिस्तर ठीक कर रही थीं। चार नंबर बैड पर पहुँच कर मरींडा बच्चे से बोली कि उसका बिस्तर खिड़की के पास है और उसे बाहर का दृश्य देखना चाहिए न कि चादर में मुँह छिपाकर रोना चाहिए। मरीडा में बच्चों के प्रति अत्यंत लगाव और प्यार था। वह मांजरेकर से बच्चों के पास समय बिताने और बातें करने को कहती है लेकिन मांजरेकर यह कहकर टाल देती है कि साँस लेने तक की फुर्सत तो है नहीं बातें कब करेंगे।
नर्स कहानी Summary
दोनों नौं के जाने के बाद फिर से वार्ड में खामोशी समा गई। सभी के बैड एक जैसे थे। उनकी चादर तथा कंबल भी एक ही रंग के थे। बैड के साइड में एक कबर्ड भी था। उसे साइड टेबल की तरह काम में लिया जाता था। आठ बजे नर्स सूसान वार्ड में आई। उसे देखकर सभी बच्चों के चेहरों पर मुस्कान छा गई। नौ नंबर बैड का बच्चा तो उसके स्वागत में उठकर बैठ गया। वह बच्चों को दवाई पिलाने लगी। उनका बुखार चैक करने लगी। अंत में वह महेश के पास पहुँची। उससे प्यार से बातें करने लगी। उसने उसको बताया कि उसका भी एक बेटा है जिसका नाम महेश है किंतु वह अभी छोटा है केवल तीन महीने का है। वह उसे बहुत परेशान करता है। सूसान महेश को बातें बताती हुई सूप और दवाई पिला रही थी।
अपने ममत्व से उसने महेश को चुप करा दिया उसे दवाई भी पिला दी। महेश से रहा न गया और वह सूसान के बेटे के बारे में और जानने को उत्सुक होने लगा। उसने पूछा वह और क्या करता है। सूसान ने कहा वह अभी बोल नहीं सकता। लेकिन अगं, अगूं… गू, गूं आदि स्वर निकालता रहता है। सूसान बबलू के समान मुँह फुलाकर आवाजें निकालकर महेश को दिखाने लगी। महेश हँस पड़ा। सूसान ने महेश को कहा अब उसे जाना है जब ज़रूरत हो वह उसे बुला सकता है। दूसरे दिन जब सरस्वती महेश से मिलने अस्पताल आई तो वह बहुत विचलित थी कि उसका बेटा कैसा होगा? मम्मी को देखते ही महेश ने उसे गले से लगा लिया। उसने माँ से अपनी बहन मोना के बारे में पूछा क्या वह उसके आने पर रो रही थी ? माँ ने उसे बताया नहीं वह मोना को राजू के पास छोड़कर आई है।
तब महेश ने माँ को बताया कि सिस्टर सूसान का बेटा उसके आने पर बहुत रोता है। वह बहुत शैतान है। माँ के दिल पर सूसान का नाम छप गया। उसने महेश को बड़ा प्यार और दुलार जो दिया था। बाद में जब माँ को सूसान से पता लगा कि वह तो अभी अविवाहित थी और उसने महेश को सहज बनाने के लिए झूठ ही अपने विवाह की बात कही थी तो माँ उसके स्वभाव और बालमनोविज्ञान की समझ पर मुग्ध हो उठी थी।
The School for Sympathy Summary among its students for the lame, the blind, and the handicapped. It teaches all the subjects taught by other schools but it differs from other schools in one important aspect that is, it makes its students good citizens. Read More Class 12th English Summaries.
The School for Sympathy Summary
The School for Sympathy Introduction:
In this essay the writer tells us about a new type of school. As the name indicates, its purpose is to create sympathy among its students for the lame, the blind and the handicapped. It teaches all the subjects taught by other schools. But it differs from other schools in one important aspect. It makes its students good citizens.
The School for Sympathy Summary in English
The writer had heard a lot about Miss Beam’s School for Sympathy. One day he got the chance to visit it. He saw a twelve-year old girl. Her eyes were covered with a bandage. An eight-year old boy was leading her carefully between the flower-beds.
After that the author met Miss Beam. She was a middle-aged, kindly and understanding lady. He asked her questions about her way of teaching. She told him that the teaching methods in her school were very simple. The students were taught spelling, arithmetic and writing.
The author told Miss Beam that he had heard a lot about the originality of her teaching method. Miss Beam told him that the real aim of her school was to make the students thoughtful. She wanted to make them helpful and sympathetic citizens. She added that parents sent their children to her school gladly. She then asked the writer to look out of the window.
The author looked out of the window. He saw a large garden and playground. Many children were playing there. He told Miss Beam that he felt sorry for the physically handicapped. Miss Beam laughed at it. She explained to him that they were not really handicapped. It was the blind day for a few while for some it was the deaf day. There were still others for whom it was the lame day. Then she explained the system.
To make the students understand misfortune, they were made to have experience of misfortunes. In the course of the term every child had one blind day, one lame day, one deaf day, one maimed day and one dumb day. On the blind day, their eyes were bandaged. They did everything with the help of other children. It was educative to both the blind and the helpers.
Miss Beam told the author that the blind day was very difficult for the children. But some of the children feared the dumb day. On the dumb day, the child had to exercise willpower because the mouth was not bandaged. Miss Beam introduced the author to a girl whose eyes were bandaged. The author asked her if she ever peeped. She told him that it would be cheating. She also told the author that she had no idea of the difficulties of the blind.
Summary The School for Sympathy
All the time she feared that she was going to be hit by something. The author asked her if her guides were good to her. She replied that they were very good. She also informed the author that those who had been blind already were the best guides. The author walked with the girl leading her to the playground. She told him that the blind day was the worst day.
She didn’t feel so bad on the maimed day, lame day and deaf day. The girl asked the author where they were at the moment. He told her that they were going towards the house. He also told her that Miss Beam was walking up and down the terrace with a tall girl. The blind girl asked what that tall girl was wearing.
When the author told her about the tall girls dress, she at once made out that she was Millie. The author described the surroundings to her. He felt that as a guide to the blind, one had to be thoughtful. He was full of praise for Miss Beam’s system of education which made the student sympathetic and kind. The writer himself had become ten times more thoughtful.
Paragraph On Prakriti: Prakriti is an essential concept in Hinduism and Ayurveda, which refers to the basic elements of nature that make up the physical world. It is the foundation of everything that exists in the universe and is believed to influence human nature and behavior. Ayurveda, a traditional Indian system of medicine, uses the concept of Prakriti to determine an individual’s physical and mental constitution and provide personalized treatments. Understanding Prakriti can help individuals cultivate a more harmonious relationship with nature and themselves, leading to improved health and wellbeing.
Paragraph On Prakriti
In this blog Paragraph On Prakriti, we include About Paragraph On Prakriti, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also cover Paragraph On Prakriti for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class and also for kids, children and students. You can read more Essay Writing in 10 lines, and about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… About Paragraph On Prakriti is available in different languages. Paragraph On Prakriti the following features are explained in the given manner.
Understanding Prakriti
In Hinduism, Prakriti refers to the basic elements of nature, including earth, water, fire, air, and ether. These elements combine to form everything that exists in the universe, including human beings.
Prakriti is often described as feminine and passive, while Purusha, which represents consciousness, is masculine and active. According to Hindu philosophy, the interaction between Prakriti and Purusha is what creates the world we experience.
Prakriti is also associated with the three gunas, which are qualities of nature that influence human behavior. These gunas are Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas, and each individual has a unique combination of these qualities.
Sattva represents purity, harmony, and balance, Rajas represents activity, passion, and restlessness, and Tamas represents inertia, dullness, and darkness.
Understanding the influence of these gunas on one’s behavior can help individuals make conscious choices and cultivate positive qualities.
Ayurvedic Perspective On Prakriti
Ayurveda recognizes that each individual has a unique physical and mental constitution that is determined by their Prakriti.
This constitution is based on the three doshas, which are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Vata represents the elements of air and ether and is associated with movement, Pitta represents fire and is associated with transformation, and Kapha represents earth and water and is associated with stability.
Understanding one’s Prakriti is essential in Ayurveda, as it allows practitioners to provide personalized treatments based on an individual’s constitution.
For example, a person with a dominant Vata dosha may benefit from warm, grounding foods and self-care practices that promote stability, while someone with a dominant Pitta dosha may benefit from cooling, calming practices that reduce inflammation and heat in the body.
Benefits Of Understanding Prakriti
Understanding one’s Prakriti can lead to several benefits, including improved self-awareness and the ability to make healthier choices.
By understanding the influence of the gunas and doshas on one’s behavior and physical constitution, individuals can make conscious choices that promote harmony and balance.
For example, someone with a dominant Vata dosha may benefit from incorporating grounding practices like yoga and meditation into their daily routine, while someone with a dominant Pitta dosha may benefit from incorporating cooling foods like cucumber and mint into their diet.
Understanding Prakriti can also help individuals cultivate more harmonious relationships with others.
By recognizing that everyone has a unique constitution based on their Prakriti, individuals can approach others with greater understanding and compassion. This can lead to improved relationships and a more harmonious community.
In Prakriti is an essential concept in Hinduism and Ayurveda that refers to the basic elements of nature that make up the physical world. Understanding Prakriti can lead to several benefits, including improved self-awareness, the ability to make healthier choices, and improved relationships with others. Ayurveda recognizes that each individual has a unique physical and mental constitution that is determined by their Prakriti and that incorporating Ayurvedic practices based on one’s Prakriti can lead to improved health and wellbeing. By understanding and incorporating Ayurvedic practices into one’s daily routine, individuals can achieve a more harmonious relationship with themselves, others, and nature.
Answer: Prakriti is a Sanskrit term that refers to the basic elements of nature that make up the physical world.
Question 2.
What is the significance of Prakriti in Hinduism?
Answer: In Hinduism, Prakriti is seen as the divine force that creates and sustains the universe. It is believed to be the source of all life and existence.
Question 3.
How is Prakriti related to Ayurveda?
Answer: In Ayurveda, Prakriti refers to an individual’s unique physical and mental constitution. Understanding one’s Prakriti is essential in Ayurveda as it guides the selection of diet, lifestyle, and herbal remedies to maintain health and prevent disease.
Question 4.
How is Prakriti determined in Ayurveda?
Answer: Prakriti is determined by a combination of physical and mental traits, such as body type, temperament, and personality.
Question 5.
Can Prakriti change over time?
Answer: While Prakriti is generally considered to be stable throughout an individual’s life, external factors such as diet, lifestyle, and environment can affect it over time.
Paragraph On Human Body: The body is a remarkable machine. The billions of cells that make up our body collaborate to keep us alive and healthy. The respiratory system takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. The digestive system converts food into nutrients the body can use. The circulatory system transports blood and nutrients throughout the body. The body is made up of many different systems that cooperate to carry out essential functions.
Paragraph On Human Body
In this blog Paragraph On Human Body, we include About Paragraph On Human Body, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also cover Paragraph On Human Body for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class and also for kids, children, and students. You can read more Essay Writing in 10 lines about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… Paragraph On Human Body is also available in different languages. In this, Paragraph On Human Body, the following features are explained in the given manner.
Paragraph On Human Body-100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids
The mortal body is amazing! It’s made up of numerous different corridor that all work together to keep us alive and healthy. Our bodies have bones to support us, muscles to move us, and organs to help us breathe, digest food, and get relieve of waste. We also have a brain that controls everything we do.
Our bodies are constantly changing. We grow high and stronger as we get aged. Our bodies also heal themselves when we get hurt. We can help our bodies stay healthy by eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly.
Our bodies are amazing machines! They allow us to do so numerous effects, like run, jump, sing, and cotillion . We should take care of our bodies so that they can keep us healthy and happy.
Paragraph On Human Body- 150 Words for Classes 4, 5 Children
The human body is an amazing machine. It is made up of many different parts that all work together to keep us alive and healthy.
The skeleton is the framework of the body. It is made up of bones that protect our organs and give us our shape. The muscles are attached to the bones by tendons. When the muscles contract, they pull on the bones, which makes us move.
The heart is a muscle that pumps blood around the body. The blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the cells and takes away waste products. The lungs are two organs that take in oxygen from the air and release carbon dioxide. The digestive system breaks down food into nutrients that the body can use. The kidneys filter waste products from the blood and produce urine.
The brain is the control center of the body. It sends messages to the muscles and organs, telling them what to do. The brain also controls our thoughts, emotions, and memories.
Paragraph On Human Body- 200 Words for Classes 6, 7, 8 Students
The mortal body is a fascinating and complex organism that serves as the vehicle for all our studies, conduct, and gests . Understanding the mortal body is essential for scholars in classes 6, 7, and 8 as it provides a foundation for learning about health, biology, and the connected systems that enable our bodies to serve.
The mortal body is composed of colorful systems, each with its specific structures and functions. One of the abecedarian systems is the cadaverous system, which includes bones and joints. The bones give support, cover vital organs, and allow movement, while joints enable inflexibility and stir.
Another pivotal system is the muscular system, conforming of different types of muscles that enable movement and give stability. Smooth muscles control involuntary functions like digestion, while cadaverous muscles allow voluntary movements similar as walking or writing.
Paragraph On Human Body- 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 And Competitive Exams Students
The mortal body is a phenomenon of natural engineering, a complex and intricate system that sustains our actuality and enables us to navigate the world. Understanding the mortal body is of consummate significance for scholars in classes 9, 10, 11, 12, as well as for those preparing for competitive examinations in the field of biology or drug. A comprehensive knowledge of the mortal body serves as the foundation for farther studies and paves the way for a deeper understanding of health, physiology, and medical lores.
The mortal body consists of colorful systems that work harmoniously to maintain homeostasis and insure our survival. These systems include the cadaverous system, muscular system, circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, and nervous system, among others.
In The mortal body is an inconceivable and intricate phenomenon of nature. It’s a complex system of connected organs, apkins, and cells that work harmoniously to sustain life. Understanding the mortal body is essential for scholars of all situations, from primary classes to competitive examinations, as it forms the base of knowledge in fields similar as biology, drug, and health lores.
Question 1.
What are the major systems of the mortal body?
Answer: The major systems of the mortal body include the cadaverous system, muscular system, circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, nervous system, and more.
Question 2.
Why is it important to take care of our bodies?
Answer: Taking care of our bodies is essential for overall health and well- being. It promotes physical and internal heartiness, prevents ails, and allows us to lead active and fulfilling lives.
Question 3.
How can a balanced diet contribute to overall health?
Answer: A balanced diet provides the necessary nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that the body needs to serve optimally. It supports growth, development, and conservation of fleshly systems, boosts the vulnerable system, and reduces the threat of habitual conditions.
Question 4.
What part does exercise play in maintaining a healthy body?
Answer: Regular exercise strengthens muscles, improves cardiovascular health, enhances inflexibility and abidance, and helps maintain a healthy weight. It also promotes internal well- being by reducing stress and perfecting mood.
Question 5.
Why is sleep important for our bodies?
Answer: Sleep is pivotal for the body to rest, form, and rejuvenate. It supports brain function, strengthens the vulnerable system, regulates hormone product, and improves overall cognitive performance and emotional well- being.
“Hariyali Teej” is a Hindu festival celebrated primarily by women in various parts of India. Hariyali Teej is celebrated to commemorate the union of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati and to honor the love and devotion between them. Women and girls observe fasts, wear green traditional attire, sing folk songs, and exchange gifts as part of the festival. Read More Class 11 Hindi Summaries.
हरियाली तीज कथा Summary In Hindi
हरियाली तीज कथा सारांश
‘हरियाली’ लघु कथा सुरेन्द्र मंथन द्वारा लिखित है। यह स्वदेशी भावना पर आधारित है। विदेशी सामान की चकाचौंध देश की आर्थिकता की नींव को खोखला किए जा रही है। लेखक विदेशी ब्लेड से शेव बनाता है उसका मित्र नरेन्द्र उसे कहता है कि विदेशी सामान खरीदकर हम अपने देश की आर्थिक स्थिति को कमज़ोर कर रहे हैं।
नरेन्द्र लेखक के पड़ोसी के घर में उगे पेड़-पौधे देखकर खुश होता है। लेखक कहता है कि दूसरों के पौधे उसे फल और छाया देते हैं। परन्तु नरेन्द्र उसका ध्यान पेड़ की जड़ों की ओर खींचता है। पेड़ की जड़ें, लेखक के घर की दीवारों पर सीलन पैदा कर रही थीं तथा घर की नींव को खोखला कर रही थीं।
लेखक का पड़ोसी अमीर और दबदबे वाला व्यक्ति है, परन्तु जब अपने घर की नींव के खोखले होने की बात आती है तो वह सोचने पर मजबूर हो जाता है। घर हो या देश जब नींव ही कमजोर हो जाएगी तो दीवारें तो गिर ही जाएंगी। वह अपना विरोध प्रकट करने के लिए विदेशी ब्लेड का पैकेट पड़ोसी के घर फेंक देता है।
Amidst the challenges, “Hassan’s Attendance hassle” also highlights the significance of empathy and a supportive environment. The story emphasizes the impact of information educators and peers who extend a assisting hand rather than judgment. It portrays the ripple effect of compassion and guidance, showcasing how even a small intervention can turn the tide for a struggling pupil. Read More Class 12th English Summaries.
Hassan’s Attendance Problem Summary
Hassan’s Attendance Problem Introduction:
This lesson has been written by Sudha Murthy who is the wife of a big owner of an I.T. (Information Technology) company. She used to teach computer science to students studying for their Master’s in Computer Applications at a Bangalore college. She interacted with many students. She could not forget one of the students. He was Hassan. He did not attend her class regularly. He was often absent. His attendance problem was serious.
This problem was brought to the notice of his parents. But they could not mend his habits. He met the teacher when there was a problem of attendance shortage. Then he gave the promise to the teacher that he would be punctual or regular in the future. For a few days he was punctual but then again he would be absent. He used to stand first in the class by preparing some expected questions. Even in the final examination he stood first.
He left college. His classmates rose in life. They got good jobs. Some of them became rich. But Hassan was lazy as usual. He got jobs at one or two places. His employers did not like him for his laziness and indisciplined ways. He had to leave the job. He became a salesman of computer software. One day Hassan met his teacher. She advised him to be disciplined and active and rise in life. He promised to do so. The teacher wanted to see him as a changed man. But old habits die hard.
Hassan’s Attendance Problem Summary in English:
The narrator (Sudha Murthy) was a computer science teacher teaching students for their Master’s in Computer Applications at a college in Bangalore. She came in contact with many students. She remembers some of the students. She remembers one of them as he was something very different from the others.
He was a very bright boy named Hassan in her first batch. He was tall, handsome with a very good memory. He belonged to a wealthy family. He was the only son of his parents. The narrator did not know about his presence in the class because he was hardly ever present. Once in a while he was seen if there was a class test or during examinations.
The narrator met him more often for attendance shortage meetings. He would beg for attendance in a moving manner. The narrator did not say ‘no’ to him. But sometimes she told him to be more regular and disciplined. He begged pardon of the narrator and promised to be more punctual from the next semester onwards.
The narrator was kind-hearted. She did not like his being irregular but she did not want to stop him from appearing in the examinations because of shortage of attendance. As Hassan was very brilliant, he used to get a first class in the exams. But it was his regular practice to beg the narrator for the attendance problem. The narrator was fed up with his attendance problem. She called his parents to the college and told them to mend their son.
They expressed their helplessness. Hassan’s mother told the narrator that Hassan spent all night listening to music and chatting with his friends. He slept at six in the morning. So it was not possible for him to come to her class in time. Hassan continued in his ways. He passed out of his course, as usual in first class. He was thankful to the narrator. He told the narrator that he wished that all teachers were like her. Hassan parted from the narrator. The narrator did not see him for a long time.
Several years had passed after Hassan left his college. One Monday, a man came to see the narrator. It was the afternoon time. The narrator could not recognise him. He was about thirty-five, fat, with a bald head. He had a CD of the software in his hand. He said, “From a window you can see the outside world but from the outside you cannot see all that is inside.”
The narrator often used this phrase in her class. So she was sure that he was one of her students. Hassan spoke out that he was the regular late-comer of her class. She at once understood that he was Hassan. She knew that all his class-mates had risen in life.
They had become rich. She thought that Hassan too might have done well in life. But he was doing a small job of selling high school software from door to door. Hassan admitted to the narrator that he was very irregular in college. The same habit continued even after graduation.
Summary of Hassan’s Attendance Problem
He used to get up very late and was very lazy. His mother used to get angry but he never bothered about her. He took up a job but continued with the same habits of going late to office and not being responsible. At college also he was careless. He prepared some important questions and got a first class. He often laughed at those people who worked hard.
Today those hard working class-fellows had become richer. He lost whatever job he took. No employer was willing to keep him. He lost one job after the other. The narrator told Hassan not to feel disappointed.
She told him that one may lose the battle but one could always win the war. Hassan then told the narrator that old habits died hard. She told Hassan that old habits could be changed. There is nothing that is impossible. She further said that excellence does not come by chance but by practice.
The words of the narrator encouraged Hassan. He promised that he would try to do his best to improve in life. He took leave of the narrator. She did not meet him after this meeting. She hoped to see him one day. Then she would find him happy and successful. A Pair of Mustachios Summary
beyond the theoretical framework, “thinking Out of the container: Lateral wondering” delves into the actual-world programs of this technique. It showcases how lateral thinking has been harnessed across disciplines — from enterprise to technological know-how to everyday challenges. The precis celebrates the those who dared to assignment past the familiar and embraced lateral wondering as a way to navigate the complexities of the modern-day world. Read More Class 12th English Summaries.
Thinking Out of the Box: Lateral Thinking Summary
Thinking Out of the Box: Lateral Thinking Introduction:
Thinking out of the box or Thinking outside the box or Thinking beyond the box means to think differently, unconventionally or from a new viewpoint. This phrase often refers to novel or creative thinking. The term is thought to have come from management consultants in the 1970s and 1980s.
Lateral thinking is solving problems through an indirect and creative approach. It uses reasoning that is not immediately obvious and involving ideas that may not be obtainable by using only traditional step-by-step logic. The term was coined in 1967 by Edward de Bono. Lateral thinking is more concerned with the movement value of statements and ideas.
Thinking Out of the Box: Lateral Thinking Summary in English:
In a small village in India an unlucky farmer had to pay a large amount of money to a village money-lender. The old and ugly money-lender liked the beautiful daughter of the farmer. So he suggested a bargain. He told the farmer that he would write off the loan if he could marry the farmer’s daughter. The farmer and his daughter were shocked by the proposal. So the clever money-lender suggested that luck should decide the matter.
He told the father and the daughter that he would put a black and a white pebble into an empty money bag. Then the girl would have to pick one pebble from the bag. If she picked the black pebble, she would become his wife and her father’s debt would be written off. If she picked the white” pebble, she need not marry him and the father’s debt would still be written off. But if she refused to pick a pebble, her father would be thrown into jail.
They were standing on a pebble-covered path in the farmer’s field. As they were talking, the money-lender bent over to pick up two pebbles. As he picked the pebbles, the sharpeyed girl noticed that he had picked up two black pebbles and put them into the bag. He then asked the girl to pick a pebble from the bag. Now imagine that you were standing in the field, what would you have done if you had been the girl ? If you had to advise the girl, what would you have told her ?
There could be three possibilities:
The girl should refuse to take a pebble.
The girl should show that there were two black pebbles in the bag and expose the money-lender as a cheat.
The girl should pick a black pebble and sacrifice herself in order to save her father from debt and imprisonment.
The girl put her hand into the bag and drew out a pebble. She did not look at the pebble. She let the pebble fall onto the pebble-
strewn path where it immediately became lost among all the other pebbles.The girl admitted that she had done a wrong thing. But
she said that if they looked into the bag, for the one that is left, they would be able to tell which pebble she had picked.
Since the remaining pebble is black, it should be assumed that she picked the white one. And since the money-lender dared not admit his dishonesty, the girl may change an impossible situation into an advantageous one. This story teaches us a lesson. The lesson is that the most complex problems do have a solution. It is only that we do not attempt to think in that direction. It teaches us to think out of the box or think laterally.
Lateral thinking is creative or non-linear thinking. It is thinking differently. It is doing something that might be novel and unconventional. in nature. There is another story that illustrates the use of lateral thinking. :A millionaire named Thomas walked into a popular bank in the middle of New York city. He requested a loan officer for a small sum of money dollars 5000. The bank officer asked for security. He offered his brand new Ferrari car as security.
Thomas left the bank with dollars 5000 and the bank employee took Thomas’ keys and drove the brand new Ferrari down into the bank’s underground garage. He assured Thomas that it would be perfectly safe there. After two weeks, Thomas returned to New York and returned the borrowed 5000 dollars plus the interest. They had found out that he was one of the wealthiest men in America. The bank wanted to know why he had the need to borrow 5000 dollars.
I Thomas smiled, picked up the keys from the counter and said if they could tell him another way he could have parked his new Ferrari in the middle of New York for two weeks for just 15 dollars and still get it back in top condition. After saying this, Thomas walked out of the door and the loan officer smiled a bigger smile.
De Bono explains that lateral thinking is concerned not with playing with the existing pieces but with seeking to change those very pieces. It is concerned with the perception part of thinking. A Cup of Tea Summary
God Is My Best Friend Essay: As humans, we all have a deep desire to belong, to be loved, and to have a friend who will always be there for us no matter what. We all crave for a sense of security and companionship that only a best friend can provide. However, finding the perfect best friend can be quite challenging.
Fortunately, there is one best friend that we can always count on, and that is God. In this essay, we will discuss why having God as your best friend is important, how to build a relationship with Him, how God can help you through tough times, and His unconditional love for us.
God Is My Best Friend Essay
In this blog God Is My Best Friend Essay, we include About God Is My Best Friend Essay, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also cover God Is My Best Friend Essay for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class and also for kids, children, and students. You can read more Essay Writing in 10 lines about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… God Is My Best Friend Essay is also available in different languages. In this God Is My Best Friend Essay, the following features are explained in the given manner.
The Importance Of Having God As Your Best Friend
A best friend is someone who accepts you for who you are, listens to you, supports you, encourages you, and helps you grow. God is the only one who can fit all these criteria. He created us and knows us better than anyone else. God is always there to listen to us, whether we are happy or sad, and He never judges us. We can trust Him with our deepest secrets and fears because He is always faithful and true.
Having God as your best friend can improve your life in so many ways. For example, it can give you a sense of peace, comfort, and joy that cannot be found anywhere else. It can also help you find purpose and meaning in life, and give you the strength and courage to face life’s challenges. Moreover, having God as your best friend can help you become a better person, by helping you grow spiritually and morally.
Building A Relationship With God
Building a relationship with God is like building a relationship with any other person. It takes time, effort, and consistency. Here are some practical tips to help you build a relationship with God:
Pray: Prayer is a way of communicating with God. It is important to set aside time every day to pray, and to talk to God as you would talk to a friend.
Read the Bible: The Bible is God’s word, and it is the best way to get to know Him. Make it a habit to read the Bible regularly, and to reflect on what you have read.
Attend church: Church is a place where you can meet other believers, worship God, and learn more about Him. Make it a priority to attend church regularly.
Serve others: Serving others is a way of showing love to God. Look for opportunities to serve others, whether it is volunteering at a charity or helping a friend in need.
Listen to God: Sometimes, God speaks to us through His word, through other people, or through the circumstances of our lives. Be open and receptive to God’s voice, and be willing to obey Him.
How God Can Help You Through Tough Times
Life can be difficult at times. We all face challenges such as illness, financial difficulties, relationship problems, and more. However, having God as your best friend can help you through these tough times. Here are some ways that God can help you:
Strength and comfort: God can give you the strength and comfort you need to face any challenge. He promises to be with you always, and to never leave you or forsake you.
Wisdom: God can give you wisdom to make the right decisions in difficult situations. When you are not sure what to do, ask God for guidance, and trust that He will show you the way.
Peace: God can give you a sense of peace that surpasses all understanding, even in the midst of turmoil and chaos. When you are anxious or afraid, remember that God is in control, and that He loves you.
Hope: God can give you hope for the future, even when things seem hopeless. He promises to work all things together for good for those who love Him, and to give us a future and a hope.
God’s Unconditional Love
One of the most amazing things about having God as your best friend is experiencing His unconditional love. God’s love is different from human love. Human love is often conditional, based on our behavior or what we can do for others. However, God’s love is unconditional. He loves us no matter what we do or how we behave.
God’s love is also sacrificial. He demonstrated His love for us by sending His son Jesus Christ to die for our sins. Through His death and resurrection, we have the opportunity to be forgiven and to have eternal life. Understanding God’s love can help us love others better. When we realize how much God loves us, we can love ourselves and others more fully. We can also forgive others, just as God has forgiven us.
Conclusion On God Is My Best Friend Essay
In God Is My Best Friend Essay, having God as your best friend is one of the most amazing things you can experience in life. He is always there for you, no matter what. Building a relationship with God takes time and effort, but it is worth it. Through prayer, reading the Bible, attending church, serving others, and listening to God, you can grow closer to Him and experience His love and presence in your life. When you face tough times, God can give you the strength, wisdom, peace, and hope you need to get through them.
And through it all, God’s unconditional love is there to support and sustain you. So make God your best friend today, and experience the joy and fulfillment that only He can provide.
A “My Best Friend” essay is a personal essay that describes one’s relationship with their closest and most cherished friend. It usually includes personal anecdotes, shared experiences, and reflections on the qualities that make the friend special. The essay may also explore the impact the friend has had on the author’s life and growth. Overall, a “My Best Friend” essay is a heartfelt tribute to a cherished relationship.
Question 2.
What is a best friend paragraph?
A “Best Friend” paragraph is a short piece of writing that describes one’s closest and most treasured friendship. It typically includes a brief description of the friend’s personality and qualities that make them special, as well as a recounting of shared experiences and memories. The paragraph may also express gratitude for the friend’s presence in the author’s life. Overall, a “Best Friend” paragraph is a brief and heartfelt tribute to a beloved friendship.
Question 3.
Why is a best friend important essay?
A “Why is a Best Friend Important” essay describes the significance of having a close and trusted friend in one’s life. It typically explores the benefits of friendship, such as emotional support, companionship, and shared experiences. The essay may also touch on the impact of friendship on mental health and personal growth. Overall, a “Why is a Best Friend Important” essay highlights the value and necessity of friendship in our lives.
Question 4.
What is a true best friend?
A true best friend is someone who is loyal, trustworthy, and supportive through thick and thin. They are a constant presence in one’s life, offering emotional support and companionship. A true best friend also accepts and loves the person for who they are, flaws and all. Ultimately, a true best friend is a cherished and invaluable relationship in one’s life.
Question 5.
What is best friend in simple words?
A best friend is someone who is closest to you and whom you trust and cherish. They are a constant companion, who provides emotional support and shares experiences with you. A best friend is someone who accepts you for who you are and always has your back. Overall, a best friend is a treasured and meaningful relationship.
In summary, “Apana-Apana Dukh” in English conveys the idea of individual or personal suffering, emphasizing its subjective and personal nature. Read More Class 11 Hindi Summaries.
अपना-अपना दुःख Summary In Hindi
अपना-अपना दुःख कथा सार
‘अपना-अपना दुःख’ ‘सिमर सदोष’ की रिश्तों की संवेदनशीलता से जुड़ी एक लघुकथा है। पति-पत्नी दोनों एकदूसरे के दुःख कम करने के लिए अपना-अपना दुःख भीतर लिए रहते हैं। लेखक अपनी पत्नी से अपना दुःख छिपाने के लिए उससे नजर नहीं मिलाता। वह अपनी बेटी की सभी निशानियों को पत्नी की नज़रों से दूर कर देता है। लेखक के हाथ में बेटी की बोतल का निप्पल लगा है। उसे अपने अंदर कुछ टूटता हुआ लगता है। उसकी आँखों से आँसू निकलने लगते हैं। राशि उसके दुःख को अनुभव करती है। लेखक अपना दुःख उसे छिपा लेता है। इस तरह दोनों रात अंधेरे में एक-दूसरे से आंसू छिपा लेते हैं।
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